Beneficial Information Concerning Glaucoma San Antonio

By Michelle Baker

Glaucoma is a type of ailment that destroys optic nerves of eyes. It causes vision loss and even blindness. However, the disease is treatable if detected during its initial stages. In most cases, optic nerve is destroyed as a result of eye pressure. However, this does not mean every increase in eye pressure results into optic nerve damage. Some optic nerve can tolerate higher pressure than others. To ensure you are safe from Glaucoma San Antonio, consider visiting a professional to advise you on precautionary measures to undertake.

It is possible for you to develop glaucoma even without increase in eye pressure. This type of ailment is called low-tension glaucoma. People at high risk of developing this type ailment are African Americans, Mexican Americans and people whose age is above 60 years. Eye defects that increase chances of one suffering from ailment are; thin cornea, abnormal optic nerve and high eye pressure. People with such conditions are usually provided with medications in form of eye drops to reduce their chances of suffering from this disturbing ailment.

Very few symptoms are associated with this ailment. In fact, some people do not detect any symptom until they realize changes in their vision capabilities. Some of the few symptoms are lose in peripheral vision. People living within San Antonio are encouraged to have regular eye check up in order to discover symptoms during their initial eye stages.

Blurred vision, eye pain and headache are some of the effects associated with increase in intraocular pressure. Other symptoms associated with glaucoma are; vision loss, pain inside the eye, eye redness, seeing halos, vomiting, nausea and tunnel vision. In case you notice any of aforementioned complications, consider seeking help from a doctor, soonest time possible.

There are a number of tests, associated with glaucoma. Such tests are only effective, if are performed well by experienced eye professionals. In case, the test turns positive eye professionals are expected to give the patient guidance as quickly as possible so as to save his or her eyesight. Eye professionals may investigate your eyes by finding out how far you can see. This kind of examination is known as visual acuity. Peripheral vision of an ailing individual is investigated through a test called visual field test.

Dilated eye exam is one of most accurate eye tests. Pupils are widened or diluted by certain eye drops placed on your eyes by a health professional. Magnifying lenses are used to check the condition of both optic nerve and eye retina. This allows medical practitioner to confirm whether the aforementioned parts are damaged or not. Other eye related problems may also be detected through this test.

Eye specialists tend to measure pressure within the eye of a patient through a technique called tonometry. Instrument called tonometer is used. The pressure detected on the eye can help a medical professional detect whether patient is suffering from glaucoma or not. Thickness of cornea is measured through a technique called pachymetry.

Some of medical procedures performed during treatment of the ailment are laser trabeculoplasty and conventional surgery. These processes tend to save remaining vision and not to restore the already lost vision. Eye drops are also used during early stages of ailment to lower pressure. Eye drops work by either preventing eye from making more fluids or draining the already made fluid.

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