Hair Loss Treatments Fredrick MD

By Sarah Butler

Hair loss can affect not just the scalp but the entire body. It might be brought about by among other things heredity, medications, medical conditions or hormonal changes. It can affect men, women or children. Loss of hairs is handled in various ways. There are people who cover it with makeup or hairstyles while others choose treatment. When considering hair loss treatments Fredrick MD residents have many options.

There are forms of baldness that can get treated while others are permanent and have no treatments. Treatment options are considered to encourage growth of hairs, slow down the loss or hide it. Using medications is one of the most used remedies. Medicines are used when there is an underlying disease causing the condition. The doctor will prescribe drugs to minimize inflammation plus suppressing the immune system.

If the losses are caused by medications, doctors advise that such medication is stopped immediately. There are many medications that one can use but two main ones are in use. One of them is Rogaine. The drug is rubbed onto the skin twice daily so that any further loss is prevented. The drug can be used by both women and men. With this treatment option, some people have reported regrowth with others reporting slow loss. In some instances, one may experience both.

When Rogaine is preferred, there are certain possible side effect. They include unwanted hair growth around adjustment areas, irritation of the scalp and increased rate of heart beats. The second major medication used is Propecia which is a prescription medications used only by men. It is taken as an everyday pill. In order to get best results, consistency is key. Some rare side effects associated with it include reduced sex drive and enhanced risk of prostate cancer.

There is also the option of going for surgery. In the commonest type of loss of hairs, only the top of the head is affected. To make most use of the hairs left, transplant or restoration of hairs is recommended. For the procedure, the surgeon removes tiny skin plugs, each with a few hairs. The plugs will then implanted into bald sections of the head. You need to take necessary medications before and after surgery. Surgeries can be costly and with some pain.

The use of hairpieces and wigs is also a possible consideration. They are used as an alternative to medical treatments, or by those whose hairs did not respond to previous treatment. They come in handy in covering permanent or temporary loss. Fortunately, there are wigs that are natural looking in the market. If the losses are because of medical conditions, they might be covered by insurance.

Laser treatment is very effective. The technique makes use of laser equipment that are designed to target hair follicles to enable scalp metabolism to be improved. Consequently, fall of hairs is restricted which enables increase in hair density. It is a technique which is very effective.

When it comes to choice of which method to use, one needs to go with what works for them. In some instances, a combination of methods is used. This offers the best results.

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