Obtain The Perfect Outcomes With Quality Spray Tan

By Haywood Hunter

Spray tanning has grown exponentially over the last few years as fewer and fewer people are sitting under the UV rays outside. This concept was introduced to the public in the 1960s. Now ads for spray tan are everywhere from drug stores, departments stores and day spas. Any professional salon has the ability to offer superior formulas as well as the latest in the application process which includes spray booths and airbrush systems.

There are so many different products on the market today that one is able to get the tan product and do it yourself. Whatever type of skin you might have there is a product that will work best for you. Have a look at the box if you are not sure which solution to use.

For those with a fair skin the best solution for you would be the 9% one. It will give you a light tan without overdoing it. It will increase the color slowly and the more times you apply it the darker it will become. For the medium color skin tone, it is advisable to use the 11% coverage and for the darker skin the 13% solution will work best.

The effect of the UV radiation can cause skin cancer, cataracts, premature skin aging as well as causing your immune system to become suppressed. This is why the World Health Organization no longer recommends this device. Many of these mainly emit UVA rays and this has been found to increase the risk of melanoma, which is one of the deadliest forms of skin cancer. Those that have used this and not worn goggles have reported having arc eye, or snow blindness.

The sun beds were first brought to America by Friedrick Wolff in 1979 and were regulated by the Food and Drug Administration. In 1986 these were then amended and the lamp compliance was included to warn people and to ensure that eye protection was used. The main reason this law was designed was so that all salons that used them would have to follow a set of general rules. There was to be a certain time period that one could remain inside and that sanitization was to be implemented.

The best product to use when you ex foliate will be the deep clean pecan shell defoliant. It will leave you feeling invigorated and at the same time the fine grained pecan shells will wash away any oils and loose skin. This will help to extend the life of the tan for up to three days. It has vitamin A and E included and is pH balanced so that any type of skin can benefit from it. It is also hypoallergenic and paraben free.

Sun bathing also increases the risk of cancer as well as making you look older before your time. Many people do not have the time to be able to sit for a few hours in the sun to get that bronzed look. There are many different kinds on sunscreen that one can use, so that you do not burn but do get a light tan. Too long in the sun and you can develop very nasty blisters and the more times this happens the greater the risk of getting skin cancer later on in life.

The safest and healthiest choice of today is to get a spraying done. It is quick and can be done in the privacy of your own home. Just about every spa has the means to apply this for you and all personnel are trained to apply it.

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